Become a Member

Membership Types

Standard Monthly Membership: $19.99/month. Removes unlock fees. Paid monthly with no commitment.

Standard Annual Membership: $9.99/month. Removes unlock fees. Paid monthly with a commitment for the entire operating season.

Student Membership: Provides a 25% discount to all riding fees for students, upon the presentation of a valid student ID.

Low Income Membership: Provides a subsidized membership paid per ride. Reduces unlock fee by 50% and lowering the riding fee to $0.20 per minute.

Military Membership: Provides a 15% off all fees to acknowledge the hard working and brave service members in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Valid upon presentation of military ID.

Healthcare Workers Membership: Provides 15% off all fees to acknowledge our healthcare worker in Nova Scotia. Valid upon presentation of ID badge.

Membership Sign-Up

Think one of our memberships is right for you? Fill out our membership sign-up form. Please submit any supporting documentation as listed above and someone from our team will review the form within 24 hours and get back to you.